Erasmus+ "Back to the roots"

The project „Back to the roots - European Citizenship“ deals with the European identity and
European values. In the light of a still decreasing acceptance of the EU and a lack of a community of
solidarity within the EU the development of a cultural European identity has become of increasing
importance. This identity can be achieved by creating an awareness of cultural characteristics as well
as of differences and similarities among the different cultures.
Thus the following aims apply:
1) creating an awareness of identity/equality/otherness within the European cultural heritage in
schools and in our society
2) educating the students to become European citizens bearing responsibility towards their fellows
3) recognizing and experiencing cultural variety and/ or otherness in the areas of music, dance and
4) teaching the students central values of the EU
5) developing and executing a workshop with the topic “Who am I within the European Community?”
link to our padlet