Erasmus+ - A trip to Estonia

02.10.2021- Arrival day

On Saturday we arrived at the airport at 4.50 pm and the Estonian students picked us and the Portuguese students up. The Italians arrived late at night, so they couldn’t join us. We took a bus to the hotel and arrived there after a two-hour ride.
Afterwards the German and Portuguese students and teachers had dinner at the hotel. It was a really nice atmosphere and a great opportunity to get to know the other students. The food was really delicious and everyone had a wonderful evening.


On the first day we all went to Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia.
First, we visited the Rocca al Mare Estonian Open Air Museum. The Estonians joined us of course. A tour guide showed us different villages and houses, that were hundreds of years old. She taught us about the Estonian architecture, the people, who lived there, and the culture. It was really interesting to learn something new.
Next, we had lunch at the restaurant at the museum. We had a typical Estonian meal, which was really good. During lunch we had the opportunity to get to know the Italians since they couldn’t join us the day before.
After dinner we went to Tallinn. An older student picked us up and gave us a tour around the old town (Reaalkooli giidid). The city has a really old and interesting history and we got the chance to see the really beautiful architecture. We especially liked the houses they were really colourful and special.

Moreover, we had some free time to spend in small groups. Our group went shopping and we walked to the modern part of the city. It was so much fun and was really nice to spend some more time with the other students.
At the end of the day we all had dinner at the ST. Patricks restaurant.
All in all, it was a really fun and interesting day. We got closer with the other students and had a wonderful time there.

04.10.2021-the first day at school and the first workshop

On Monday we arrived at school at 9:00 am.
First the Estonian students showed us the school, the different buildings, the basketball and soccer field and the library.
After that we had a meeting with the Head of Education and Culture Department of Põhabe-Pärnumaa municipality at the local municipality centre. He greeted us in Estonian and told us something about the country. Meanwhile we had some typical Estonian snacks and something to drink.
At around 11:00 am we had our first workshop: Traditional folklore dancing.
Some of the Estonian students showed us a few dances and presented us the folklore dancing dresses/uniform.
After that it was our turn. We learned  5 different dances. One of them was only for the boys and another one was only for the girls. One dance was a group dance and the other two were couple-dances. It was so much fun even though we weren’t professional dancers and it didn’t look perfect.
Of course we had some lunch at the school canteen and some smaller breaks throughout the workshop.
In the afternoon we had a crafts workshop:
We made those little arrangements. One was in the colours of our national flag and the other one was free. At the end we could take them home.
After that we took the bus back to our hotel and the Estonians came with us. Then we had some free time. While the teachers had dinner, the students went bowling. It was so much fun and some of us were really good. Next we had a long walk through the night to get to the restaurant were we had dinner. Afterwards the Estonians walked us back to the hotel.
It was a really funny and wonderful evening.

5.10.2021-Second schoolday in school+canoeing trip

On Tuesday we arrived at school at 9am and worked on a project with the Animaker app. With this app we could create our own animated videos. We focused on the roots of words in Portuguese, German, Estonian and Italian. After this workshop we went to the school park and played discgolf. It works like normal golf, but you have to throw a disc instead of shooting a golf ball. At 12.30 we went to the canteen to eat lunch. After lunch we travelled by bus to the Soomaa national park. First we watched a movie about the national park and learned interesting facts about the animals, which are living there and the nature. Then we travelled a small distance again and reached a small lake, where we formed teams of three people and started canoeing. It was a great experience. In the evening we students had free time and could explore the town of Pärnu with the other students.

6.10.2021-Last day at school + Farewell dinner

At the last day in school we arrived again at 9am and started finishing our Animaker videos. After this the students got divided in two groups. One group could read information about Estonian traditions. The other group took part in a Zitter workshop, an traditional Estonian instrument. After a lunch in the canteen at 1pm we changed the groups. After the workshops, we talked together as a group about the whole project, including own impressions and ideas what could have been different. Then we had some free time and went to a nearby store together, where we bought food for the trip back to Germany. In the rest of the free time we played basketball. The rest of the evening we had a farewell dinner together, where we also got certificates. And ate delicious food from a buffet.

7.10.2021-Arrival back in Germany

We arrived at the airport at 4am, and had a good flight back to Germany. We arrived back in Rheda at 12am.

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